Sister Maxine with guest Sister Mindy Welding, IHM. Topics: prayer robots, wait for heaven, surrender to God vs. just give up, vow of obedience.
Math on the path to religious life for Sister Mindy
Transformed by mission service in Guatemala
How Sister Mindy helps people discover God’s call in their life in her role as Vocation Director
Discerning religious life with a congregation: an experience of mutual listening to God
What it means to be a prophetic witness to the world.
A community of disciples
Sister Mindy is startled when foundress Theresa Maxis (19th century) speaks to her!
Listener question: Does saying the same prayers all the time make them too routine?
Mantras and the early desert mothers and fathers of the Church
Listener question: Does God want me to wait until heaven to be happy?
Surrendering our whole life, including our unhappiness, to God
Listener question: Does the vow of obedience mean you must agree with everything in the Church?
To whom do sisters make their vows?
Vows as freedom vs. restriction
Religious community as a house of belonging
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Intro/outro music by Wild Carrot
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Sister Mindy Welding, IHM, grew up in Pittsburgh, Penn., and is a member of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (IHM) of Scranton, Penn. Sister Mindy is the Vocation Director for her congregation and assists the Diocese of Scranton vocation efforts. She is also a spiritual director. She previously served as a religion teacher, Director of Religious Formation, Pastoral Associate and a Campus Minister. Sister Mindy loves music, and in addition to playing the guitar she is learning the mandolin. She also enjoys kayaking, creating art, and visiting with family and friends.